Australia; a weekend road trip to the beach
Copyright Millie Brown
The serenity of early morning fishing on the Coorong.
Copyright Millie Brown
The Coorong and the Pelican...think Storm Boy!
Copyright Millie Brown
What would a road trip be without a slight hiccup, salt pans.....
Copyright Millie Brown
led me to a small incident.......which led me to Dan, a very helpful guy with a rope!
Copyright Millie Brown
Farm animals in the Coorong area

Copyright Millie Brown
Further along at the roadside fish stand I chatted with Shane and Sam and met Spot the dog (who is terrified of both firearms and cameras)!
I managed to get this shot of the handsome Spot before he climbed down to the floor of the passenger seat and hid behind the gear stick!
Copyright Millie Brown
Next stop, Salt Creek, and Adam the deer hunter, a nice guy who owns and runs the local roadhouse / cafe / restaurant.
Copyright Millie Brown
Copyright Millie Brown
Some rugged Australian corrugated iron Coorong shack architecture!
On the road between Meningie and the beachside town of Kingston there is a detour to 'The Granites', on 90 mile beach as it is known. As you come up over the rise you are met by 150 kms of white sand and blue water.....breathtaking.
Kingston Jetty and jumping into the cool ocean for some fun.
Copyright Millie Brown
Glass beach, Robe. As ridiculous and shocking as this sounds, this particular beach was used as a rubbish tip decades ago. Yes, thats right, you rocked up with your car and tipped your rubbish directly into the ocean!! Doesn't bare thinking about! Today, some forty years later you can still collect tiny shattered bits of glass from the thousands and thousands of bottles dumped into this beautiful sea.
Copyright Millie Brown
Copyright Millie Brown
A beach you can drive onto....... I love this to bits!
Copyright Millie Brown
A day on the beach the Robe way!
Long Beach Robe - Available as a fine art print
Love a splash of white
Copyright Millie Brown
Copyright Millie Brown
Nothing soothes the soul like the raw beauty of nature, thank you Cas and Johnny for all the fun and laughter and for sharing your special place in the world with me.
Head to the shop to take a look at the Salty Days fine art limited edition beach prints HERE
Millie x